Guess what Huxley did today!

He started walking. The following video is his third or fourth real attempt, the first one that went beyond two or three steps and a dive.


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Yay Huxley! But I'm sorry you have such a goofy mom.

And by Friday, he'll be wanting to borrow the car...

Triumph of Humanity! Well done Huxley. I don't know about the "goofy mom" comment. I think Huxley's mom is, quite appropriately, hot! Well done, Greg, well done!

Don't believe Amanda, Huxley. Your mom is great!

Congrats on the walking. The lake will and cabin will be so much more fun now that you will be able to wade this summer in the water.

By Mike Haubrich (not verified) on 22 Dec 2010 #permalink

Don't let him watch "Family Guy"! Stewie Griffin is not a good influence on toddlers, with all that matricidal anger, advanced weaponry and everything.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 22 Dec 2010 #permalink

Change in climate opened up the African savanna and may have facilitated our adaptations for fully upright/bipedal locomotion (according to some theories).

Our anthropogenically-enhanced (according to some theories) changing climate correlates with Huxley's transition to bipedal locomotion.


Woohoo!!! Of course this means that running is about a week away and using furniture as ladders won't be far behind. The next thing you know, he'll be sneaking out in the middle of the night to go carousing with his playmates and...Hmm...

Good job Huxley, you have just opened up a world of possibilities for parental harassment.