Tucson Massacre Updates

A few new bits of information mainly from CNN:

  • Giffords is able to respond to "simple commands" which causes "cautious optimism" among the Neurosurgeons.
  • Giffords is the only person remaining of the wounded to remain in critical condition. Three are in serious condition, six fair, one released.
  • The "Suspected Suspect of Suspicion" ... the second person of interest ... has been identified and ruled out. He was just some guy. Conspiracy theories in three ... two ... one ....
  • Official charges have been made against Loughner. PDF
  • Papers or an envelopewith the words "I planned ahead," "My assassination," and "Giffords" have been found in Loughner's home.

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Remember how early this morning I posted about Mike Adam's despicable and ghoulish attempt to seize on the tragedy of the shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) by Jared Lee Loughner as a way of blaming the pharmaceutical industry and government for his violent rampage and…
Eve Conant and Claire Martin dig into Jared Loughner's background, trying to explain his mass murder. I think the first half the piece is weak, alas, but the second half is dynamite. The first builds on interviews with his neighbors, who say that the 22 year-old liked to walk the streets in a…
In my post yesterday about the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords, I tried hard not to say that Loughner's mass murder was caused by insanity, or by violent political rhetoric. We don't know anything about that, and we'll know more once he goes to trial. What we'll find at trial is surely that his…

It's going to be very, very interesting to see how Loughner's pretrial psych eval turns out. I wouldn't bet on him being found sane enough to stand trial based on what I've seen so far.

PS: Tucson -- It's Arizona, not Italy.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 09 Jan 2011 #permalink

It's going to be very, very interesting to see how Loughner's pretrial psych eval turns out. I wouldn't bet on him being found sane enough to stand trial based on what I've seen so far.

PS: Tucson -- It's Arizona, not Italy.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 09 Jan 2011 #permalink

This proves the dangers of increasing public discourse language invoking violence to opponents, because the moral and ethical validity of your stances cannot sway on their own, will incite those with no self control. The very fact this guy is seemingly mentally unbalanced and partly schizophrenic just allows the wingnuts to back out of being to blame for anything. The Mata Hari like 'family/momma' figures being encouraged by mega conservative media to push violent and savage behavior as justified is the most insidiously disgusting thing of this far rightwing movement. I suppose regardless of touting conservative Christian 'Fore Fathers', the true mantra pagan worship should be 'Das Mutterland' pushed by mothers.

Apparently the second suspect was merely the cabdriver who brought Loughner to the grocery store. That's easy enough to verify.

I'd like to propose that the symbol for any sort of denialism would be a twist on the classic "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys, with the "speak no evil" monkey babbling away. I do not have sufficient photoshop skills for this task, but I'm sure someone will come along and remedy that. :)

Oh, and "Hello", by the way. I started reading some of the ScienceBlogs a few months ago when I reentered school, and now I'm hooked. Thanks for all of the great info and funny, intelligent comments.

She has a single hemisphere wound, that did not hit any critical areas of the brain. She is VERY lucky. That will decrease the amount of disability she will have as opposed to an injury across both hemispheres.