Sarah Palin Embraces Evolution

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OK, this is from November 2004, but still... Frontier Centre: We are all familiar with the modern theory that the world's climate is getting warmer. Is it? Tim Ball: Yes, it warmed from 1680 up to 1940, but since 1940 it's been cooling down. The evidence for warming is because of distorted records…
OK, the Knight et al. paper is here, thanks folks. Clearly they have had some jolly fun dividing the runs up into trees, but the paper is a disappointment to me, as it doesn't really deal with the main issue, which is the physical plausibility of some of the runs. It *does* talk about "Our findings…
we turn to the Veteran's Administration, which has somehow or another managed to lose another laptop containing the personal information of thousands of veterans. OK, this one contained a couple of orders of magnitude less data, and was lost by a contractor instead of the agency per se, but still...
Imagine a "primordial soup" on some planet somewhere from which there occasionally emerges a thing that could locomote, and as it locomoted around it would scrape up some of the dust that lay around on the planet, and occasionally eat other things that had come out of the "primordial soup" and it…

Embracing evolution but clearly not any biomechanical reconstructions past those based upon La Chappelle

By Richard D (not verified) on 13 Feb 2011 #permalink

Good to see Fox isn't bowing to the revisionists' attempted spelling change to the word "Neanderthal".

By Vince whirlwind (not verified) on 13 Feb 2011 #permalink