If a spider is in an Oreo Cookie, then evolution is true!

You know about the Atheists Nightmare, right? Also known as the Evolutionists Nightmare. No? It goes like this:

That's pretty darn convincing. Until someone opens up some closed thing and there is some new species in there, then EVOLUTION IS MADE UP!!!1!!!

Well, it turns out, Evolution is True. Some guy on the internet opened up an Oreo Cookie and inside was a new organism that could only be there IF IT EVOVED IN SIDE THE COOKIE!!1!! Look here's a picture:

spider evolved inside oreo cookie PROOF THAT EVOLUTION IS TRUE: This spider evolved inside this Oreo Cookie!

A fake you say? A falsehood you say? Sorry, but Snopes was unable to disprove that this spider appeared spontaneously inside this cookie. Indeed, we all know that stuff that can’t happen happens all the time. If anything, Snopes will declare something false even when they can't, so clearly, this spider did evolve in this Oreo Cookie.

Evolution. It's real.

BTW, if this happens to you and creates a spider problem in your house, we can fix that.

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It's still a spider. Checkmate, atheist!

By Michael R Haubrich (not verified) on 14 Mar 2013 #permalink

That argument which is based upon a totally inaccurate understanding of evolution is convincing to someone? Truly amazing.

By The Phytophactor (not verified) on 15 Mar 2013 #permalink

Phyto, inaccurate parodies of evolution are the basis of almost all creationist anti-evolution arguments.

@Joffan, "almost"? Feeling generous today?

By Michael Kelsey (not verified) on 15 Mar 2013 #permalink

Thank Dog they don't make diabetic Oreo cookies or I'd have to say never again will this arachnophobe ever eat one :)

By Doug Alder (not verified) on 17 Mar 2013 #permalink

This is so freakin fake. You can tell by the dirty area under the spider, that this cookie was pressed on to where the spider was. Like a floor or wall or other surface. Somebody is just trying to get easy money.

By Scott Dunn (not verified) on 18 Mar 2013 #permalink