Climate Change Worsens Drought, Strains Economy....

Here we have a nice new infographic for you to gaze at, share around on your facebook accounts, and so on. (It is below.) Here in Minnesota, we've got a problem getting that last one million acres of corn planted (about 1/8th of the normal amount), not because of drought, but because of excessive rain. However, all that extra rain is not expected to alleviate the effects of our drought long term, so we get to have both. If the price or availability of major food types ("commodities") goes south (up and down, respectively) here and there, adjustments can be made. But if climate change induced shortages happen in several places at once, what happens then?

Anyway, here's the graphic from Climate Nexus:


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I would guess Murray refers to Al Gore.

By Chris Winter (not verified) on 30 Jun 2013 #permalink

So Murray assumes Al Gore does all climate change related things?