A Call To Arms about Climate Change

Tens of millions of red blooded Americans, Tea Partiers, were called to Washington DC the other day to overthrow the government. A few hundreds or so showed up.

Now, Bill McKibben, of 350.org, is calling Americans to New York City, not to overthrow the government but to talk some sense into it. I'll bet more than a few hundred people show up!

McKibben wrote an item for Rolling Stones that you should read HERE.

This is an invitation, an invitation to come to New York City. An invitation to anyone who'd like to prove to themselves, and to their children, that they give a damn about the biggest crisis our civilization has ever faced.

My guess is people will come by the tens of thousands, and it will be the largest demonstration yet of human resolve in the face of climate change. Sure, some of it will be exciting – who doesn't like the chance to march and sing and carry a clever sign through the canyons of Manhattan? But this is dead-serious business, a signal moment in the gathering fight of human beings to do something about global warming before it's too late to do anything but watch. You'll tell your grandchildren, assuming we win. So circle September 20th and 21st on your calendar, and then I'll explain.

350.org has a page devoted to the march, HERE. Please click through and get busy!

The Facebook Page is HERE.

The image above is from an earlier march, details here.

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I hope they get more than the TPers did recently in DC (I'm sure they will) but failure of such marches and gatherings is not restricted to the right , so this is a bit of a reputation gamble for 350.

By Smarter Than Y… (not verified) on 21 May 2014 #permalink

If health, work and finances allowed for it I woulds brave crossing the border and go, but alas none of those do. I truly hope tens or even hundreds of thousands turn out - 350 is, as you say, a well organized group so we'll see.

By Smarter Than Y… (not verified) on 21 May 2014 #permalink

Arms eh.

No more of this wishy washy lying, censoring and obscenity.

Time to actually take up arms. Well remember what happened to the last lot of magic believing Nazis who tried that.

Consider this friendly advice.

By Neil Craig (not verified) on 24 May 2014 #permalink

This writer loses his credibility by starting with insults. I no longer care what he's trying to say, because using his religion (politics) renders him as much of a tool as any other religious zealot.

By Gary Fanano (not verified) on 28 May 2014 #permalink