Warmest October On Record GISS NASA

The data for October has just been added to the NOAA GISS instrument record, which runs from 1880 to the present.

October was the warmest on record, just beating out 2005.

Overall, it is looking increasingly likely that 2014 will tie or beat the record for warmest year in the instrumental record, in terms of surface temperature. This does not count the ocean warming which is substantial. But we tend to look at the surface record as an approximation of global warming.

Here's the graph:

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 12.16.17 PM

Just looking at the daily values (but from a different database) for November, this is turning out to be a pretty warm month as well, though here in Minnesota at the moment, it doesn't feel like it.

Ironically, it was a large tropical storm slamming into the northern regions that ultimately pushed this cold air down over the US.

Keep in mind that there are numerous different data bases of surface temperatures, and they may not all show October as the warmest ever. Some may be lower than the GISS database, some may be higher. ADDED: Japan Meteorological Agency has also come out with October data. Look here.

The image at the top of the post is from Climate Reanalyzer, and shows the anomaly of temperature over part of the globe. Notice the blob of anomalously cold air over the US, causing Americans to stop "believing in" global warming.

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By Mike Haubrich (not verified) on 14 Nov 2014 #permalink

Don't forget JMA. October clocked in at warmest on record in their dataset.

"GISS" not "GIS" as shown on graph label.

likely that 2014 will tie or beat the record for warmest year in the instrumental record

The last 12 months are already the equal warmest 12 month period on record (AFAIC).

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 14 Nov 2014 #permalink

"Just looking at the daily values (but from a different database) for November, this is turning out to be a pretty warm month as well, though here in Minnesota at the moment, it doesn’t feel like it."

It sure does here in Adelaide where the temperature reached 39 degrees Celsius (102 Fahrenheit) the other day. Which, of course, is weather not strictly climate and we're now heading into summer here but still. FWIW. It was also our hottest November day in 5 years and part of a trend with a lot of extreme heat records broken over the past few years - go figure!.

Would be nice to see the other side of that globe graphic and see where Australia's at there as wellas other places on the other side of this planet . Almost makes me wish we had Pangea - & Panthalassa - back again!

By Astrostevo (not verified) on 14 Nov 2014 #permalink

You can go to Climate Reanalyzer and poke around and see today's anomaly:


Oddl, the southern hemisphere is only a little warm, while the norther hemisphere is VERY warm. Except here in the middle of the US where it is freezing.

Ah. Okay - thanks.

By Astrostevo (not verified) on 16 Nov 2014 #permalink