Glass Bead Collective, Twin Cities Indymedia, and other independent media activists have released a new film, 'Terrorizing Dissent', an exposé of events at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. Featuring first-person accounts and footage from more than forty cameras on the streets, 'Terrorizing Dissent' focuses on the story of dissent suppressed. People charged with "conspiracy to riot in furtherance of terrorism" speak out against the government's campaign to manipulate media coverage and label civil disobedience and community organizing as terrorism. You can see…
A word about some of the battle ground states, including Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania. As you know, McCain has been claiming that the "gap is closing" in many toss up states. This is an expected exaggeration, but it is not pure fantasy, and it is a bit worrisome. There are three important factors here. First, the McCain campaign has less money than the Obama Campaign (because fewer people like him, and all the rich people are busy losing all their cash on the economy that Bush/McCain has destroyed). Because of this, you would expect the McCain campaign to…
No, this is not about phenotypes and genotypes. It is about smarm. Norm Coleman, the Republican Senator from Minnesota currently fighting to hold his seat against a challenge by Al Franken, is a power hungry amoral selfish bastard who should not be allowed near a public office of any kind. But don't ask me about this guy. Ask Stephanie, who has written a killer post on the topic. I will be over there later to comment. You should go now and get things started.
Emailed to: Ms Brazile, I heard your comments on CNN regarding the North Carolina race. See this: "My Godless Money: Take it or leave it" Donna, about 20 percent of the Democratic party are atheists. You just told us that the word "Atheist" is properly thought of as equivalent to "jew" (when used in a derogatory way, like to "jew someone down") or "nigger" when used in a derogatory way among, say, non-African Americans. You are quite wrong about this and your comments were deeply offensive. I think you need to step back and think about the message you are…
... Just like that (snapping my fingers as I say that). "Do you want to escape Satan's grip? ... It is time for the Lord Jesus Christ to set the captive free..." Pastor John says: I vote no on masturbation. ... I walked by a whole section of "photography" books at the Walker Art Center last Thursday empowered by the better pleasure of feeling Christ conquer the temptation to look. Why are we talking about this? Well, the so called War on Wanking, which by the way seems to exclude women explicitly as I read it, the idea that governments are set up to serve as god's tool for running…
Today, October 30th at 11:00 to 11:30 AM Central, on MPR with Gary Eichten. Details here. Thanks Jake for the tip on the LOL Michele Bachmann picture!
H/T: Ana the blogless.
The latest viral video from the Obama campaign.
Live blogging the Obama Infomercial .... so you don't have to. (see this, this, this) Wheat .... Flags .... Fans in slow motion. Children and uncertainty. Ooops. He's standing in a room thta looks a little too presidential, Kennedy eskqe. Looks good but a little OTT. Please, Barach, don't be OTT. Not now. Rebecca. Rebecca looks like she could take Sarah Palin easy. Rebecca is a White Flightist. That's funny. Husband with surgery. Only seen in a photo. That's not looking too good for the husband. this is like the intro to Whole House make over. She's a football mom who can do…
We (American Liberals/Democrats) all know that the wheels have to come off at some point. Yes, at some point the wheels of the seemingly unstoppable Obama Machine have to come flying off, the tide turns, and McCain/Palin are elected President and Vice President of the Freakin' United States. I'm assuming at the moment that this is going to happen tonight, during, as a result of, or perhaps just after the Obama Half Hour ad buy. Perhaps this is when the October Surprised is planned for. The Obama ad by will be inturrupted by a news story orchistrated by the Republicans. Something about…
Oh, what the heck, here's some more:
What a great idea. Visit "Yes We Carve"
My close personal friend John Kerry just sent me this letter: Hey, Grego.... (that's what he calls me), It is sickening. But not surprising. Today's Republican Party is so depraved that they're running ads in Florida trying to connect a Democratic candidate to 9/11 attacker Mohammed Atta. They're in North Carolina attacking Democratic Senate candidate Kay Hagan's faith and character. And in Colorado, Democratic Senate candidate Mark Udall is the target of a GOP robocall campaign making the insane accusation that he supports human cloning. It's the same political strategy of fear and…
In this moving talk, documentary photographer Kristen Ashburn shares unforgettable images of the human impact of AIDS in Africa. Kristen Ashburn's poignant photographs bring us into close contact with individuals in the midst of enormous hardship -- giving a human face to struggles that much of the world knows only as statistics and blurbs on the news. She has photographed the people of Iraq a year after the U.S. invasion, Jewish settlers in Gaza, suicide bombers, the penal system in Russia, victims of tuberculosis and the aftermath of the tsunami in Sri Lanka and Hurricane Katrina in New…
This is one of the nicest explanations for one of the deepest mysteries of our modern (as in post Bronze Age) technological era: Why is it that when you look in a mirror, left and right are reversed, but not up and down? The answer is simple: Neither is reversed. What is switched around is not one side vs. the other or top vs. bottom, but rather, which side of your face your nose is on. When you look in a mirror, you do not see the back of your head. The image in the mirror is the image of yourself with front and back reversed. All else follows from that. Anyway, enjoy the show. Hat…
In one week from tonight, we will be hearing the results of the elections in the US. There is a widespread feeling of unease among Obama supporters, but the numbers are looking good. The house is likely to remain Democratic. The big question right now, however, is the Senate. For real change to happen over the next few years, a vindictive, mean spirited Republican party simply can not have the power of filibusterer. If they have it, they will use it, and they will do everything they can to hobble a Democratic majority. You know this is true. So the Senate is the place to watch, as well…
She is a dog killer.