Your weekend reading is ready! A totally multimedia version of Boneyard XIV is up at the Other 95%. You must see this carnival. Carnival of Homeschooling: The Missing Day is at Carnival of the Recipes: Tricks, Treats & Eats at Everything and Nothing Good News Film Reviews is at Carnival of Cinema Gene Genie # 38 is at Sandwalk (Larry Moran) The Carnival of Evolution is at Clashing Culture Carnival of Education! The Debate Edition is at eduwonkette Linnaeus' Legacy #12 - As Much Blog As A Koala Can Bear is at PodBlack Cat
I have had this experience. I've traveled literally hundreds of kilometers by foot together with Efe (Pygmy) hunters in the Ituri Forest. We see very few animals. The few we do see are attacked, killed, and eaten. Well, a lot of them actually get away, but that is the idea. But I've also traveled many kilometers (not as many) alone. I would see many animals, and yes, they would run (or climb or whatever) away, but not as desperately. They knew I was not really one of the hunters, although I tried my best to look tough and hungry. Of course, when I use the word "animal" here I mean…
ZooBorns is a new site dedicated to scarfing up everyone else's internet traffic by posting nothing but cute baby animals, like these Red Panda Cubs recently born in the Edmonton Valley Zoo: Zooborn is produced by Chris and Andrew, who are very dedicated animal-symps. Andrew runs the blog Zooillogix. ZooBorns brings you the newest and cutest exotic animal babies from zoos and aquariums around the world. As you can see, the site itself is a newborn, but we're here to stay, so check back frequently for new critters! The Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) lives in central/southern Asia (China, India…
How often do you see people in the gym doin' it wrong? All the time. Improper use of free weights and exercise machines can lead to poor results and embarrassment.
more morons here
more here
Well, of course. She's a suburban middle class Republican hockey mom running on the Republican ticket for Vice President. But, do we have anything more specific to say about it at this time? Well, of course. A complaint was filed this week with Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg over the governor's failure to make a required annual Juneteenth Proclamation. The complaint was filed Wednesday by jazz musician Gregory Charles Royal, who claims state law required Gov. Sarah Palin to make the Juneteenth Proclamation in honor of the freeing of the last remaining slaves in Galveston, Texas, on…
and some other people.
More here
("Fritz" is Walter Mondale.)
the poll that counts There is a ugly and annoying trope in American politics: All the politicians are the same; both major parties are the same; nobody ever really says anything different than anyone else; and for debates, nobody ever wins a debate. If you ask people who won the four debates that have happened over the last several weeks, you will frequently get the following responses: 1) "Nobody ever wins those things"; and 2) "Debates don't matter." I promise you this: If during the next presidential election a person or organization of influence gets up and says "Nobody ever…
1) Have a look at this interesting conversation going on about race and racism and related issues. 2) Someobody emailed me with an interest in hosting the Michele Bachmann carnival but I can't find the email!!!!! If this was you, please let me know! Thank you very much. That is all for now.
.... NOT! Once again, Barack Obama totally wins the debate. This is Barack Obama after the debate: This is John McCain after the debate: Don't cry, John McCain, Georgie will make you feel better:
Just the salient points. McCain does not want to spread the wealth around. Obama wants to cut the 15 billion dollar subsidy to insurance companies. Obama wants to invest in higher education. McCain is taking copious notes as Obama speaks. Maybe he'll pick something up. McCain is having a hard time finishing a sentence. But Obama is having a hard time not smirking. McCain is taking credit again for stopping the DOD aircraft manufacturing deal, and he's talking about the planetarium projector again. But he's still not really finishing his sentences. McCain is getting mad. Staring to…
Well, ok, there is no Hell. So we're just going to tell Norm the truth and he's going to think it's hell..... This item, from Tangled Up in Blue Guy (see THIS for more commentary) is absolutely outrageous. Unbelievable. Watch this piece of video from a Norm Coleman ad showing how Al Franken can get out of control angry: Now, in case you did not know it, let me tell you something: Paul Wellstone was our senator from Minnesota, widely respected and loved by all. He was one of the best senators that ever, ever graced the US Capitol. But he was killed in a tragic plane crash during is…
I just wanted to point out the new Web Badge (to the left) that I've stuck on my side bar. This is the Open Access Day Synchroblogging Competition Winner badge. Only those of us who have won the award can have the badge, so you better not download it and put it on your site. This is not some kind of cheap internet meme, but a real award and, as far as I know, the only real award I've won for blogging (other than cheap internet meme awards, of course). I thank Dorothea Salo, my co-winner, for creating the badge!
The creationist-biased Texas Board of Education has assembled a committee to 'review science curriculum standards.' This group includes a few actual scientist types, and ... pay attention folks .. Wisconsin based ID creationist Ralph Seelke, Baylor creationist chemist Charles Garner, and Stephen Meyer, vice president of the Discovery Institute. Yes, you read that right. The Texas Board of Education has appointed the President of the Discovery Institute to a committee to review the state's science standards. un be-fucking-lievable. There is clearly something you can do to stop this now.…
The latest polls are interesting. Locally we have Ashwin Madia in a statistical dead heat so if you are in Minnesota Congresstional District 3 it is NOW TIME to either volunteer or kick in a few bucks. Madia has an excellent chance of taking this seat away from the Republicans. The Minnesota Senate race is generaly seen as the hottest race in the nation, with more interest -- and money -- flowing into this knock down, drag-out fight between incumbent Republican and Absolute Dit Norm Coleman, and Former SNL star, and much smarter than your average politician Al Franken. Oh, and Dean…