Republican right wing women threw a hissy fit (as Republicans are famous for doing) because Oprah Winfrey chose to not interview Sarah Palin. The Oprah Empire appears to be unaffected by this reactionary bullying. So, does this mean that Palin's policies when she becomes president will include dictating who does what on TV? Does it mean that Palin supporters believe that they should control the media?
I. The Mitosis Cycle by Numbuh4 Best Cell Movie Ever by Jman1547 AP PKU Biology Project by prometheusjptr Don't just vote, tell us why. Dpeak to details. is the science good/bad, how is the acting, did you like the sound track, etc. Did you laugh, did you cry, did you learn?
Don't forget to visit "A Vote for Science" (where I've posted this, and there are several other interesting items as well). Are you feeling frustrated with the current election? The most current polls actually show McCain and Palin winning in Minnesota!!!! Unbelievable. There are two things you can do to feel better. Send money, and go and work for a candidate. Tonight, Amanda and I are going to stuff envelopes (or whatever) for one of the candidates we caucused for this year. Go do something, it will help. Of course, if your candidate loses, you'll feel even worse....
Hat Tip: Sorting Out Science
Gusev Crater is decorated by tracks made by dust devils that have been observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), and HiRISE images. Dust devils are of interest because they may clean the solar panels that provide power to Spirit, and are partially responsible for dust transportation on the surface of Mars. ... As the dust devil picks up material from the bright dust-mantled surface, it exposes the darker basaltic substrate. These scribble marks will follow the prevailing winds and tend to cluster together as the lower albedo surface heats up more quickly.…
You've heard about ScienceDebate 2008, an effort to cajole the candidates for the US presidential election into addressing science issues. Not long ago, Obama agreed to address the questions that the ScienceDebate 2008 team put forward (with your help) and just now, McCain has finally gotten on board. The two sets of responses are provided in a post at The Intersection. In realted news, there is a new blog ... a group blog ... that has just officially opened to the public (though a few of you hacked into it prematurely). It is called A Vote for Science. Ivan Oelrich of FAS, who is not a…
For the last three or four decades, a delusional cult has spread within the United States, the leaders of which have every intention of taking over the country, in fact, the world. Sounds funny, but it really is not. If you don't think this is true, you are naive, and if you have not seen this happening you are not really looking. Sarah Palin's Churches and The Third Wave from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo. If John McCain is elected president, it will be because of the strength of this cult, in combination with the power of racism manifest as the so-called "bubba vote" whereby a large…
That depends ... on what X and Y are! And if that does not come naturally to you, perhaps you should read The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pre-Algebra by Amy Szczepanski and Andrew Kositsky. The CIG to PA is built just like the other books in the Idiot's series, using familiar conventions to keep the flow of the book smooth while providing additional ancillary information, and in the case of this text, practice problems (answers provided in the back). This book reminds me of a tired old reference I've got on my shelf called Technical Mathematics. Sometimes you just need a place to look up…
Hat Tip Doug
Would you prefer this: or this: Even if you do not live in MN 6th district, you must CLICK HERE and send money to Tinklenberg's campaign.
25 years ago, more or less, I was a graduate student and beginning a teaching career, but short of cash. I remember an opportunity arose for me to make some money programming. I thought, "OK, I can make some money in this computer biz, and use that to cover doing what I really want to do, research and teaching." Just around that time, as I remember, I saw a long haired bearded guy from MIT being interviewed on TV, talking about free software, and how coding software was his art, his love, is vocation, and that he did things like teaching to get money to cover this interest of his. I…
With vibrant video clips captured by submarines, David Gallo takes us to some of Earth's darkest, most violent, toxic and beautiful habitats, the valleys and volcanic ridges of the oceans' depths, where life is bizarre, resilient and shockingly abundant.
Ay yi yi, McCain weighs in on Palin's qualifications As long as you're being rational about this, McCain and Sleazy Campaigning And yet another political roundup...
Uffda. Sorry world. We'll try to get her unelected, OK? Hat tip PZ Myers
According to a report in The Telegraph: ... as the first particles were circulating in the machine near Geneva, a Greek group had hacked into the facility and displayed a page with the headline "GST: Greek Security Team." The people responsible signed off: "We are 2600 - dont mess with us. (sic)" The website - - can no longer be accessed by the public as a result of the attack. Scientists working at Cern, the organisation that runs the vast smasher, were worried about what the hackers could do because they were "one step away" from the computer control system of one of the huge…
You are 50 years old today!
Carnival of Mathematics Carnival of the Recipes The 95th Skeptics' Circle The 64th Carnival of Feminists New and Exciting in PLoS ONE Friday Ark #208 Carnival of the Liberals #73 Carnival of Cinema Carnival of the Green #144! Carnival of Food and Travel : #3 Welcome To The 142nd Festival Of Frugality Kiddie Carnival of Education CARNIVAL OF THE GODLESS #100 Carnival of Space - Universe from A to Z
Candidate's promises and positions do not always match what is constitutionally or procedurally possible. It is possible to wrap oneself in the Constitution and hide behind it at the same time. Several years ago, a child died when a string attached to his 'hoodie' was caught in the frame of the playground slide down which he was hurdling. He was strangled. Over the course of any given year or two, a small number of children are run over by cars, killed or injured, as they run carelessly into the street in pursuit of the carillon-playing ice cream truck. The former incident, in…
Do not click THIS. Don't. And if you do click it, do not follow the link. Just don't. But if you do follow the link, don't press "play," and if you do press play make sure there are no children or nuns around. Enjoy.