Someone (Named Leonardo?) Out There Loves Me

Even though today is Saturday, my site meter tells me that Scientific Life is getting hundreds more hits than usual, even if this was a weekday (Scientific Life received more than 1,100 hits by noon, NYC time). So, worried that last night's party with PZ and pals was more entertaining than I recalled, I had to check Scientific Life to make sure that no one had posted a picture of me without my shirt on, or something equally er, horrifying exciting.

But instead, I found that besides the NYTimes mention of Living the Scientific Life (hey, that's ME!!), the whole lot of us at ScienceBlogs were linked by the very high-traffic BoingBoing, and of course, PZ is adding fuel to the fire with his weak attempt to refute the sad, cruel truth about the picture I took of him last night.

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I posted this comment over on Tara's blog, but it fits here as well:

BoingBoing beats everyone down - Instalanche, Pharyngulanche and Atrioslanche look puny compared to getting Boinged. And I should know: When I started Circadiana, I posted the first post in the evening and the sitemeter detected (my own) three visits. When I woke up in the morning there were more than 1000 visits on it already - Cory linked to it and all hell broke loose - that one post is still making the rounds on delicious, stumbleupon, LiveJournals etc, more than a year later, and I still, to this day, get hits from that BB link!