The Perfect Gift for my UK Readers ...

Here is a prehistoric album ("prehistoric" because it's vinyl) to separate UK bird lovers from their hard-earned funds. It is currently on sale on eBay in the UK (click image to be magically transported there). After you buy it, be sure to burn a CD for me.

Thanks, Ian!

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thanks for your kind words, pablo. i am sure there are lots of people out here who could do a good job with this topic: i doubt i am the only one, or even the best one to do it. but that said, i have been poking through my mental file cabinets, looking for an idea that i could transform into a compelling book. several readers are trying to convince me to write a "LabLit" novel, and i am trying to think of something but haven't found any stories/plots that i believe in so far. that's the problem: as an unemployed (YET AGAIN) person, i have a difficult time believing in anything at all, and in identifying and developing a good idea. if i could do just that, i'd be working on a book right now.