
Similar to the animation that I previously linked, this will keep you distracted while you are supposed to be working. But this is different (click image) because not only do you get to choose your own monkey from a cast of three possiblilities, but you also can dress your monkey up. As you can tell from this picture, my receptionist monkey has quite an eye for fashion.

Anyway, as true for the previous animation, the monkey's head and eyes will move to track your mouse and then you can also have your monkey say things from the prerecorded messages, or from text that you've entered, using different voices. You can email these messages to other people by following the instructions, too. Wow, just imagine the sorts of things you can send to your friends and co-workers, and oh, don't forget to send one to your boss!

So you have to tell me; what have you made your monkey say?

Update: you can send your monk-e-mail to the Discovery Institute, too! Go ahead, do it: I double-dog dare you!

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Boohoo! I could not make the monkey work, so to speak. Is it my computer or are others unable to link properly?