Blog Carnival Available

Mendel's Garden has been published at Genetics and Health. Included are plenty of my SiBlings, along with a bunch of other essayists whom you will find interesting. Even though this blog carnival has been around for awhile, it is new for me, so I hope that you find your way there for a little reading pleasure.

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tags: genetics, blog carnivals The 18th edition of Mendel's Garden is now available for your reading pleasure. This blog carnival devoted to genetics, featuring some of the best science blogging focused on genetics, from the past month. They included a story that I wrote, so be sure to check it out…
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tags: blog carnival, genetics The 9th edition of the new blog carnival, Gene Genie is now available for your reading pleasure. They included a story that I wrote, along with a very nice introduction to it. But there are a lot of other stories that you also will enjoy, so be sure to go there to give…
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