What A Difference A Year Makes

"If you were to hang out with me here it won't be five or 10 minutes before you see a Republican hug me. That is almost as entertaining as some of the films."

Who said that?

Michael Moore, who wrote, filmed and produced the controversial film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is apparently benefiting from Republican "buyer's remorse". Moore has noticed that conservatives' attitudes towards him have changed, sometimes radically so, from one year ago.

Used to traveling with security and encountering a barrage of hostility, Moore said he finds people now more accepting, even to the point Republicans are spontaneously hugging him.

Currently, Moore is putting the finishing touches on his new film, Sicko, which he describes as "a comedy about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on earth.'' The film is scheduled to be released in 2007.

Incidentally, I am one of those 45 million people without health care (I have been without medical and dental care for 2 full years, and counting).

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I am eagerly looking forward to Moore's next movie. As a person living with Chondrosarcoma (bone cancer), I am stuck in a very aweful situation where if I get married, then I'll lose my healthcare insurance. This might not be a big deal to some but it makes things a whole lot harder for my fiance to care for my daughter when I am sick and eventually, when I die, we really worry that there will be custody battles.

Anyways, that's my sob story. I know how it is to be you. When I started my adventure with cancer, I also had no insurance.