How Low Can Rethuglicans Sink?

Er, I was referring to the public opinion polls!

According to a recent MSN/Wall Street Journal public opinion poll, Rethuglicans have sunk so low that they can slide under the belly of a snake whilst wearing a tophat.

With congressional elections less than three weeks away, the Republican party's approval ratings are at an all-time low, with approval of the Republican-led Congress at its lowest point in 14 years, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday. [Cited story]

Another story analyzes the poll results and states the obvious; the Foley sex scandal and the Iraq war fiasco combined with the recent release of Bob Woodward's book that is critical of the current administration have hurt the Rethuglicans' standing in the public eye. Curiously, Bush is still relatively unblemished .. I wonder why? Is it because Americans think that he would be fun to drink a beer with?

"On balance, you have to say the people are telling you that the cumulative weight of this is having a consequence," adds McInturff. But he points out that other measures in the survey, including Bush's standing, are relatively stable. [Cited story.]


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14 years? Lessee, 14 years ago was....1992. The end of Bush Senior's term. ODD!

This is pretty low.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 20 Oct 2006 #permalink