Birds in the News Update

After long hiatus, I think you all will be pleased to know that Birds in the News will return soon -- I think it will be the Monday before Thanksgiving, but I am still not sure yet. If you have high-resolution images that you'd like to share with the world as the featured photograph for Birds in the News, feel free to send them to me, along with information about what was happening when you took the picture and how you want the image credited.


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A prairie falcon, Falco mexicanus. This photo was taken on Christmas Eve in north-central Kansas. Image: David A. Rintoul. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind…
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This is very good news. Congratulations on planning to bring it back.
Don't get discouraged if you feel you need to move the date back a few times; making a full recovery is more important than meeting any particular date.

Hip Hip Hurrah!!! I have been visiting other birdie blogs but none compare to your BITN. The articles and pictures are extra special and I really miss them. You are an inspiration in my life with the info.,articles and pictures of birds I may never see or come in contact with in my neck of the woods. Now, that you have been molting past demons,your new beautiful feathers will bring to light more wonderful articles - I can't wait!!! You're in my prayers & thoughts.Blessings Hedwig - take care....

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 22 Oct 2006 #permalink

I'm glad to hear that you will be resuming this feature. I have missed reading your takes on bird articles.