Snow Plant

Snow plant, Sarcodes sanguinea.
This is a saprophytic (lacking in chlorophyll) plant related to the better-known Indian Pipe.It is myco-heterotrophic, which means it is symbiotic with a fungus. It grows in California forests above 4000 feet. Its name comes from the fact that it is one of the first plants to appear in spring.

Photo taken on Mt. Pinos, north Los Angeles county.

Image: Jeff Lanam.

This is another "Get Welll Soon" nature picture from one of my readers that I am sharing with all of you!

I am receiving so many gorgeous images from you, dear readers, that I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the images and the creatures and places in those images. If you have a high-resolution digitized nature image (I prefer JPG format) that you'd like to share with your fellow readers, feel free to email it to me, along with information about the image and how you'd like it to be credited.


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