How Evil Are You?

There is a nifty new online test that allows you to determine your evilness. A friend of mine earned the score of "twisted" which is quite evil, overall. Hoever, you have to go below the fold to find my score and to learn what yours is, too.

How evil are you?

Well, no, I don't work for AOL, but I do live in a nuthouse, does that increase my evilness?

How the heck did this nuthouse story get started in the first place?


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"You are angelic!

Congratulations! You are not evil in any way, shape or form. In fact you are the opposition of all evil. It is too bad there aren't more people like you, or this world would be a much better place to live."

If only they knew the real me!

Actually, I'm not sure that last sentence makes sense. Shouldn't it be " this world..."

With my first choices I rated "angelic". When I changed a few of the close ones to my second choice, I scored as "twisted." That sounds about right. :-)

So, despite all your evil ways, you readers seem nice people. I also got: "You are angelic!"

I am evil...

But, alas, not evil enough to get this in large red letters:



It's possible to get: You Are Insane. You aren't evil. Go get help.

A few other points:
Question 2 assumes 'Canada' is a European country.
Question 5 assumes 'Canada' is a weapon.
Question 6 does not list 'scientist', 'engineer' , 'software developer' , My own ideal job has always been one of those 3, though it has shifted from one to the other from time to time.
Question 7 does not list Reggae, folk, or Industrial, which together make up 80% of what I listen to.
Question 9 does not list 'science documentaries', or anything like it.

llewelly, I suspect your first observation likely explains most of the others.... And it seems I'm "good". So much for my reputation... ;-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 26 Nov 2006 #permalink

Oh, and GS, have you discovered the online strip Narbonic and its forum yet? It's just the place for an Officially Mad Scientist! ;-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 26 Nov 2006 #permalink

well, that does it! here i am stuck in an ansylum, and i am only evil, whereas you roam freely through the countryside and you are insane! so much for real justice in this society!

Llewelly: Canada is a weapon, and a European one at that. Some day soon we shall unleash it upon the United States, and then you'll be sorry.

The lucky ones will be drowned in maple syrup.


I'll have you know, Mr. Bob, this is the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave. We here in America are not afraid of your Black Helicoptors, your Soviet Weather Control Technology, or your Secret Canadian Polar Bear Army.

Our hearts remain strong, and our aluminium foil deflector beanies continue to shine!