A New Cuss Word

As if the English and Americans can't think of enough verbal insults on our own, the Germans have gotten together to offer us a few more. The Goethe Institute in Munich held a competition to nominate real insulting German words that would most benefit English cussing. The winner? Fachidiot.

It literally pertains to academics who are "idiots of their own subject," the institute said in its winner's announcement.

"The difference is that a one-track specialist still notices what is going on around him, in the world which has nothing to do with university. A fachidiot simply does not, or not anymore," the statement said.

The word beat out kummerspeck, which translates literally to "grief bacon" but means "excessive weight gain caused by emotion-related overeating," the newspaper said.

Another runner-up was backpfeifengesicht, which means a face that makes you want to slap it, the institute said.

"Grief bacon" .. what a strange but useful word, especially in this country.

Cited story.


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