President Obama?

When I mentioned to a bartender friend of mine that Barack Obama was considering a run for the presidency, he replied, "Who's Barack Obama? He'll never win with a name like that!"

Well, as of today, Obama is investigating whether he could make a respectable run at the presidency.

In a video announcement posted on his website, he said Americans wanted to move beyond partisan politics to find common-sense solutions to problems.

"Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions," he said.

"We have to change our politics, and come together around our common interests and concerns as Americans."

Of course, besides a solid liberal voting record, it doesn't hurt that he is young, good looking, intelligent, articulate and socially adept.

Additionally, as you might remember, I am planning to review both of Obama's books together in the near future, so stay tuned for that.

Cited story.



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