Woolly Breasts Have Global Appeal

The Liverpool Women's Hospital in Britain has appealed for public help with knitting the "woolly breasts" that they use to show new mothers how to breastfeed and how to express milk, especially for premature babies that are in the hospital. These knitted versions are cheaper that the latex model that they were using.

"We've taken loads of calls with offers of knitting, which is brilliant, from Scotland, England, Ireland and the USA.

"The Lactation Consultants of Great Britain are happy to put the pattern on the website for free for people to download after the weekend.

"I'm accepting all offers with open arms!"

I looked on the LCGB website hoping to link to the knitting pattern, but was unable to find it there. Perhaps someone else knows where to find it on the internet and can send me the link?

Cited story.

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Anyone know where I can find the pattern. Too much fun.