Truly Clean Energy Generated by Wave Farms

Scottish ministers have announced funding for what has been described as the world's biggest wave energy farm. The Pelamis device has been tested at the European Marine Energy Centre (Emec) on Orkney by Leith-based company Ocean Power Delivery. Scottish Power wants to commission four more at the same site.

The large, tubular segments were taken to a site off the northern coast of Portugal last year for a project which aimed to generate enough power for 1,500 households. Now Scottish Power is planning a venture which it believes could create enough power for 2,000 homes.

The biggest single handout of more than £4m will go to a Scottish Power subsidiary, CRE Energy, which will build the wave farm.

"Today marks a vital milestone in Scotland's drive to be the world leader in the development of marine renewables," said Deputy First Minister Nicol Stephen. Stephen announced a £13m funding package that will also allow a number of other marine energy devices to be tested.

How does a wave farm work to generate energy?

This technology holds promise for solving at least some of our energy problems.

Cited story and image source.

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The progessive news site Commondreams picked up this piece on green power I wrote for Inter Press news service. Orgegon plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by something 20% in 20 years times. If they're succesful in Orgegon, other spots with consistent waves on the West Coast might start implmenting similar wave hubs.

Oh, sure, but what happens in a few million years when the Moon finally drifts out of Earth's gravitational sphere of influence, eh? Clearly, this is completely useless and oil still rules!

(Sorry, just parodying some of the ridiculous alt-energy naysayers out there.)

Dear Minister,
The palamis can not come close to the power output that my device can. The wedding cake hydraulic motor is not even close to the amount of energy that my system can produce. I would be willing to make a bet? Are you a betting man? If I can not prove to you that my system is more efficient and less costly, I will give the licence to you. If I am right, I want permission to install it off of the coast of Scottland. This breakwater application can provide enough energy to power all of Scotland-my fatherland. Web Address:

Regards, Brian Meano-CEO Fieldstone Energy Corporation.

There were plans for a pretty large wave-farm off the English coast. The local surfers were outraged, as it would reduce the power of their waves.