Where Does George Bush Fit?

Any ideas of where George W Bush and his minions fit into this scheme?


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I was going to suggest that T Bliar (UK PM) might be a jellyfish, but that wouldn't be fair to jellyfish.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 01 Mar 2007 #permalink

Behind the tree, pulling the legs off of small creatures.

Dunno about Bush, but I was just reading how snails conserve mucus by crawling around on the trails of other snails, similar to the way Gore uses other people's conservation to offset his own CO2-spewing lifestyle, so I guess the answer is Phylum Mollusca for our faux green former Vice President.

BTW, scientifically, shouldn't starfish be off the chordate branch?

George Bush does have a backbone and can stand firm, but he takes a stand for things that are really stupid. He might need a separate branch.

Gerard Harbison starfish are not on the chordate branch. Both echinoderms and chordates are deuterostome so they are put closer on the phylogenetic tree than the proterostomes.

i kept thinking that this tree is inaccurate, both for the placement of starfish and also for the lack of sharks (chondriichthys) on the tree.

that's what i get for adopting other people's images. one day, i will have my own digital camera and i will also have photoshop and a scanner so i can make my own images.

I kept thinking that this tree is inaccurate... for the lack of sharks on the tree.

There are sharks in the trees? I'm never going into the forest again.

Bush. Bush. He's a plant.

No idea who planted him.


There aren't enough branches showing parasites! Bush might go with the tapeworms, or perhaps one of those mind-controlling fungi.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink