The Gonzo "I Don't Remember" Drinking Game

Some friends were saying they were going to engage in a drinking game where they would have one drink every time Alberto Gonzales said "I don't remember"or "I don't recall" or something to that effect during today's congressional heaaring. I have no idea if they have actually done this because I haven't heard from any of them today. Of course, they could all be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning right now since Gonzo said some permutation of "I don't remember" 71 times today.

I've never met anyone with such a faulty memory as Gonzo apparently has -- and this, after one month of "preparation"! Do you suppose he has been smoking doobies since 1960? Or maybe he has early onset Alzheimer's disease? Regardless of what his problem is, his performance today was simply shameful. Seriously, is this man worth of being the Attorney General for the United States when he can't remember anything of substance that he has done since he accepted the job?



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He's just following the precedent set by one of America's Greatest Presidents ... Ronald Reagan.

...I haven't heard from any of them today. Of course, they could all be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning...

Maybe they drank so much they blacked out and couldn't remember the drinking game? :-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

OK, I'll take on the task of belaboring the bleedin' obvious here. When someone in Gonzales' position says "I don't recall", what it actually means is "I remember perfectly well having done what I'm accused of doing; I'd like to deny it, but then I might get bitch-slapped by evidence to the contrary. Since it's impossible for anyone to prove what I did or did not remember at any particular moment, I can weasel around the point without risking getting done for perjury. Neener neener neener."

"I don't recall" is the way lawyers are trained to lie when under oath. I thought everyone who lived through the '80s and '90s knew that.

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink