tags: Dick Cheney, Roy Zimmerman, politics, streaming video
This streaming video is a song by Roy Zimmerman, who is a musician and political humorist. In this video, he chose to sing about Dick Cheney, who is supposedly the sexiest man alive [3:00].
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The "sexist man alive"? I'm sure he qualifies, but there are probably more qualified candidates than Cheney.
By the way, what is Cheney's Borg Identity? FUtus of Borg. In Borg lore FUtus is often depicted as offering the Borg symbol of unity to the masses.
Who else in the administration has a Borg identity? Why there's Alberto Gonzalez whose Borg identity is Refutus which means: It's not my fault.
What about Bush himself? He is known as BigDoofus of Borg. Well actually BigDoofus of half wit because the Borg refused to give Bush a Borg identity. Even the Borg failed to find a brain in that head. Since they could find no brain, the Borg implants failed to take root in BigDoofus of halfwit. Nevertheless, the Borg in an uncharacteristic show of compassion allowed Bush to glue "falsies"--fake Borg implants onto his person after he let it be known that he thought Borg implants "looked cool."
Note there are other Borg identities out there.
Rush is known as BigGlutus of Borg.
Ann is known as ShrillShrewtus of Borg.
All of those senators who are crying over their recent losses in the immigration battles are collectively known as BooHootus of Borg.