What Age and Sex Are You? (Poll Results)

First of all, I would like to thank my readers for participating in my little polls. I am collecting poll results from you because I am writing a book proposal right now, and would like to have a clearer idea of the demographics of my readers so I can include these data in my book proposal. Since this particular book will focus on the special physiological and behavioral qualities of animals and what they teach us humans about our own biology and behavior, I think that my blog readers represent a nice cross-section of who might be interested in reading my book.

The results from the last week's poll are under the fold, along with a few thoughts from me. Your comments are most welcome, as always.

Since there are more men than women who use the internet, and more people in their 20s who read the internet than any other age demographic (and thus, who read blogs), these results are not surprising. However, as I mentioned, I am writing a book proposal and, if I recall correctly, women buy approximately 70% of all books published (for whatever reason; either for themselves or as gifts), so these results are definitely internet-specific. However, I will not overlook the power of the internet as a marketing tool, if I am so lucky as to get my book published!

Of course, book proposals aside, I love it that men read what I have to say because I often feel I am not heard by those in positions of power, and the vast majority of those powerful people happen to be men. So perhaps I have found a way around this blockade through my writing?

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I never did spy the question this time round. It was hidden too well.
I read you daily and don't know how I missed it.

Thanks for a great blog

By mike cady (not verified) on 18 Jul 2007 #permalink

Actually, I believe I just read recently that women now outnumber men on the internet -- not sure whether that is headcount or time online, though.

Since this particular book will focus on the special physiological and behavioral qualities of animals and what they teach us humans about our own biology and behavior,...

This sounds like it's going to have a long chapter on alcohol dehyrogenase.
