Fun with AntiHelium

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In this streaming video, Jay Leno and Josh Duhamel sniff some gas .. some sulphur hexaflouride to be exact, and make an interesting discovery. Josh's laugh is funny [1:59]

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Hilarious! The scientific explanation was a little weak, but obviously was chosen as a layman's response.

Well, that explanation is just plain wrong. What the "anti helium" does is cause the vocal cords to vibrate more slowly (lower frequency/pitch) because it is more dense. Conversely, helium (being less dense) causes the vocal cords to vibrate faster (higher frequency/pitch).

An analogy would be using a whisk to beat two different substances in a bowl. If the bowl has water in it, you can move the whisk much faster (higher frequency) than if the bowl contains, say, Karo syrup (lower frequency).

Oops. I thought they were talking about a gas consisting of atoms, each atom with a nucleus made of two antiprotons and two antineutrons and two positrons in orbitals around it.

Hi. Just thought I'd let you know that SF6 is the strongest greenhouse gas yet known, over 20,000 times as potent as carbon dioxide. Just letting a pound of this stuff into the environment is equivalent to running two passenger cars for a year.

In light of its environmental impact, I'd encourage you to rethink the coolness of this experiment.
