Still Sick (When Will This End?)

I thought I would feel better today, but instead, I feel worse. I am worried that this illness (I think it is bronchitis) will require medical intervention. Which means more unpaid hospital ER bills. But I am at the library today where I have access to a free, and very stable wifi connection, so I am working on a story for you right now.

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Why ER? Get to the clinic stat! It's much cheaper than ER.

the hospital that i now rely on as my primary health care provider has a clinic that i go to. i just have to access that clinic through the ER.

Hey, bronchitis is not to be trifled with. Get to a doctor pronto.

I'm going out on a limb to guess that this is postviral bronchitis, a lingering aftereffect that sometimes plagues people who have already shaken off a respiratory virus. It's caused by a vicious cycle of inflammation, coughing, and confused immune system. The usual therapy is a steroid inhalant; the steroid inhibits the misguided immune response in the inflamed airway, breaking the cycle.

But I am no doctor; this opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.