Under the Weather

I am sorry that my writing has slowed, but I am sick right now with a nasty cough. I get this same cough every year at this time (is it bronchitis? or "walking" pneumonia? I have had pneumonia several times so far). This cough hangs on for many weeks, or even months, and makes me exhausted and utterly miserable.

Anyway, I've been in bed all day, except when I venture out to take care of my birds and to care for the animals I am petsitting over the holidays. The worst thing is that I am not so ill as to sleep all the time -- quite the opposite, because I cannot sleep at all, which makes me think I could be manic right now. In addition to my sleeplessness, I am going crazy because I am in my apartment without any internet access, unless you consider 20 minutes total of internet access that is sprinkled throughout a 24 hour period of time to be satisfactory.

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I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. There is a bronchial flu going the rounds here in Atlanta and in DC. It is turning into pneumonia in several of my friends.(I think everybody gets wired this time of year and then gets exhausted enough to lower their immune systems.) Get plenty of rest, liquids and don't worry about us out here.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 26 Dec 2007 #permalink

Follow the above advice. If you need to see a doctor. Take the best of care. Your public needs you! Ok, star?

I almost wish I were home sick instead of being where I am right this moment.

I'm at Dulles (IAD). I should have been home by now but my connector flight from ORF was about 1.5 hours late, forcing me to accept a flight to Boston and now that's delayed to 10:00PM. I jokingly made a prediction that we wouldn't get home until after midnight. Little did I know how prescient I was when making that prediction.

But then I understand what a charlie foxtrot the air transit industry is these days.

And whatever you do, avoid United like the plague.

my husband gets this same cough (bronchitis, pneumonia) every year. this year we got an ultrasonic nebulizer, which creates smaller aerosolized particles. if you do nebs for delivery of respiratory meds, you might consider this. If you don't use a nebulizer, maybe you should ask your dr about it

If you think you're drifting into mania, call your doc about that pronto! I've generally found that being sufficiently sick tends to short-circuit my depression, but I've no idea how it would interact with mania.

My favored throat remedy is hot water with lemon, honey, and whiskey. Basing it on tea would probably be good too. Even if you can't afford an ultrasonic nebulizer, the old-style hot vaporizers are pretty good for colds &such. The low-tech version is to leave a (big) pot of water simmering on the stove. (Make sure it's big enough, and boiling slow enough, that it doesn't boil dry while you're asleep!)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 27 Dec 2007 #permalink

PS: You may be able to tweak your computer to automatically download your incoming mail (and upload your outgoing mail and blog posts) whenever it happens to get a connection.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 27 Dec 2007 #permalink

Sometimes I hear people complain of being under the weather, but it is very rare to hear anyone claim to be over the weather. Why the asymmetry?

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 27 Dec 2007 #permalink

but it is very rare to hear anyone claim to be over the weather. Why the asymmetry?

Because humans can't fly....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 27 Dec 2007 #permalink

Tegumai - obviously people who aren't under the weather are over the moon about it.

Grrl - sorry to hear you'v been struck down by the lurgi again. But should the worse happen, I'm sure Orpheus will come after you.


For your throat: mix about 1/3 each, grapefruit juice, orange juice, lemon juice - fresh squeezed and straight. Sip 8 ozs or more very slowly every few hours for at least one day. I actually feel it grabbing and stripping phlegm and cooties from my throat on it's way down. If I do this at the first sign of a throat problem, it is usually gone the next day.

It's a little late for this now, but the next time you have an extra $20, spend it on the pneumonia vaccine. Cheap insurance, lasts for years. A bottle of vitamin D for the fall and winter likely wouldn't hurt neither. If it really does seem to be turning into pneumonia, don't fool around, hie yersef to a doctor. Dead bloggers are no fun. Or much less fun at least. I like the whiskey idea, in fact I think I feel a little tickle in the back of my throat..
Take it easy, get well soon, rb

It's a little late for this now, but the next time you have an extra $20,(yeah, I know) spend it on the pneumonia vaccine. Cheap insurance, lasts for years. A bottle of vitamin D for the fall and winter likely wouldn't hurt neither. If it really does seem to be turning into pneumonia, don't fool around, hie yersef to a doctor. Dead bloggers are no fun. Or much less fun at least. I like the whiskey idea, in fact I think I feel a little tickle in the back of my throat..
Take it easy, get well soon, rb

'scuse please. Also plagued with crummy, slow, intermittent internet connection. rb

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Its very rare for me to be physically sick, but when I do its hard for me to get better. Try changing your toothbrush frequently. the germs that cause the infection can survive on the moist environment on a toothbrush and can re-introduce infection.

You being manic again is unfortunately a possibility. Successful medication strategy that stops working is common, and breakthrough is the term I have heard to describe it. I have also experienced it myself recently. My BP has progressed from BPII to BPI with longer and more severe manic episodes. I am in the process of changing my meds.

When you feel physically well enough check with your mental health people about your BP. Let us know how it goes.

As a fellow BP person and a fellow scientist double check your treatment. I want you to overcome BP. Its a challenge, and I like to think we are in this together.