Yes, Indeed, Today Is My Birdday

Orphaned image.

Happy birdday to me.

I thought that I'd take myself out for a celebratory drink tonight, so here I am, lighting fires in my beer. It's a good thing I am not drinking scotch: I might burn the place down doing this. Well, there is still time to address this oversight, I suppose.

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Happy Birdday, Grrl Scientist! Don't get cake icing on your flight feathers.

By biosparite (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

Happy Birdday!

(sung to the tune of you know what)
Hippo birdie two ewes
Hippo birdie two ewes
Hippo birdie dear Grlee*
Hippo birdie two ewes

*Hey, i had to add the "ee" or the line wouldn't flow, ok?

Happy Birdday, Gull Scientist!

I love the AMNH subway stop photos! :-)

Happy Birthday, GS! This year had a lot of great posts; I'm looking forward to the new crop. Eager to follow Orpheus' development and to watch as you explore your new camera. Thanks for letting us tag along.

Nice one, but what's all this scotch business? It's your birthday; treat yourself to some Irish whiskEy!

Best wishes.

Happy birthday to you! I wish for you a year filled with interesting things to write about, adventure AND serenity, and many unexpected blessings. Thanks for sharing your gift for writing with us.

Grrlscientist has admitted that she was celebrating her 21st birthday.

I'm too much of a gentleman to ask how many times she's been 21.


Happy birthday.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 01 Feb 2008 #permalink

Oh, I'm late to the party! Happy belated birthday, Grrl.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 01 Feb 2008 #permalink

Happy birthday!

Oh drat, Happy Belated Birthday!!!

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 01 Feb 2008 #permalink

Happy belated birthday!

Far too much belated, but I dare say "Happy Birthday to You, and Many Happy Returns!"

I'm late, as usual, but here's an Important Safety Tip: Remove candles before drinking beer.

As to where to put the candles after removing them, I'm told that only very silly wizards stick them up their nose. (Apologies to Terry Pratchett.)

I'm not quite sure why people congratulate people on surviving another of Olde Sod's commutes around Sol, but here's my congratulations ... or commiserations, if you prefer!