Welcome Back, or so They Say

You are really not going to believe this. I fell AGAIN this past Saturday while crossing the street. I landed on my left side and my head hit the corner of the curb so I have a huge bruise on the side of my skull just above my ear that is between four and five inches long and I experience a sharp pain in the teeth in my upper jaw any time I think I will chew something. My broken left wing is astonishingly (breathtakingly!) painful and might possibly be re-injured and my ribs hurt so terribly that I can barely move or breathe.

According to the statistics, most people spend more money in the last 12 months of their lives on medical expenses, so this makes me wonder if I am getting ready to die soon since I've earned more medical bills in the past 16 months than I have during my entire previous life combined.

Anyway, when you read this, I will have finally moved my aching and broken body out of my apartment to the hospital where the docs will no doubt perform more x-rays and may perhaps give me some codeine-containing meds to help reduce the pain. Well, wish me luck with the meds, anyway.

More like this

So I spent the day in the hospital, having x-rays taken of my skull and face and arm and ribs and then having doctors poke and squeeze and waggle my aching and broken appendages through the air. So this leads me to the familiar "I have good news and I have bad news" game .. The good news: Nothing…
tags: medical emergency, Finnish Emergency Medicine, Malmin sairaala, Malmi Hospital, Töölön sairaalan, Töölö Hospital, Klinikka 22, Helsinki Finland Ambulanssi Töölön sairaalan tapaturma-aseman edessä, Helsingissä [Ambulance in front of Töölö hospital, Helsinki, Finland] Image:…
This is a story with a happy ending, or at least a happy middle, because it isn’t over yet. Right after it began I found myself floating face down in the water, drifting very slowly with the current, trying to stand but hardly able to move my legs. Trying to swim, but unable to move my arms. One …
This is a story with a happy ending, or at least a happy middle, because it isn’t over yet. Right after it began I found myself floating face down in the water, drifting very slowly with the current, trying to stand but hardly able to move my legs. Trying to swim, but unable to move my arms. One …

Ouch ouch ouch. I'm wincing in sympathy.

I guess the full 1200 word explanation of your injuries will have to wait a bit.

Hopefully the damage isn't too bad.

Yikes (and multiple very bad words...) I hope for fast healing for you, and for the kind of diagnoses of your injuries that keeps things in the "minor" injuries category.

Oh my gosh - take care of yourself! I hope these injuries are minor and short-lived. Get better soon!

By nolabirder (not verified) on 07 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oh no! That sounds really painful. I'm amazed that you even had the strength to type out what happened. I wish you a speedy (and hopefully painless) recovery.

=====OUCHNESS!!!!!===== Just reading this much hurts! Take care..........

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 07 Apr 2008 #permalink