Am I Glowing in the Dark Yet?

So I spent the day in the hospital, having x-rays taken of my skull and face and arm and ribs and then having doctors poke and squeeze and waggle my aching and broken appendages through the air. So this leads me to the familiar "I have good news and I have bad news" game ..

The good news: Nothing else is broken! I guess I should always land on my skull when I fall, since nothing bad happened afterall. I am sure in a lot of pain, though. I am glad that I still have some ultram left (and can refill the prescription one last time next week, too).

The bad news: It going to cost many many hundreds of dollars for all those x-rays, I am sure. I don't even want to think about it, to be honest.

But now I feel very stupid. I should have just kept my mouth shut regarding my latest nosedive onto the pavement since I worry that I am getting a certain type of reputation ..

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Oh, don't worry about your reputation. Too many people around here have seen the photo of you 'bowling' with PZ for there to be any misunderstandings about your level of physical coordination.


Feel better soon!

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 07 Apr 2008 #permalink

Time to come down here to Florida?

Sure, we have whackaloons, but we don't have any ice.

Nice birds, too. We have a red-shouldered hawk that likes to hang out in our yard, and plenty of Ospreys. Though I could do without the ring necked doves.

you might point people to the paypal link you have, I just used it... (can't do that much, but hope it helps...)

How much does a Michelin Man suit cost? It might be cheaper in the long run.

Good to hear that there wasn't anything too serious, though.

don't know about the michelin man suit, but I might recommend a good motorcycle jacket, after my accident in December I can recommend them highly for prevention of damage from heavy impacts. I've also found some neat hats made for snowboarders with 'd3o' armor which is pretty low profile. (I bought some d3o knee guards after that same accident, as the armored pants I was wearing did not do as good a job as the jacket... though as yet I haven't had cause to test the new pads in practice.)

aw, scott, i am not THAT bad, am i??

peter, your comment about the motorcycle jacket reminded me of the conversation that the x-ray tech and i had regarding the most efficient way to break every bone in one's body: a motorcycle. so .. if my new life's goal is to break every bone in my body at least once, i think i should get a motorcycle. with any luck, i can meet this goal quickly by breaking every bone at the same time. that way, i'd get it over quickly and would also have succeeded at setting and meeting a goal -- FINALLY! does anyonre have a motorcycle to lend to me?? :)

Only if you're on the west coast, and I think your x-ray tech is biased, I heard it's much easier to do on a skateboard. (cheaper too.) especially if there's a local bowl or ramp you can work out on. just think of the possibilities while you're getting some air!

It is amazing though, I haven't had a motorcycle for all that long, but as soon as you mention that you ride one, everyone I meet seems intent on telling me the most gruesome story they can think of about motorcycle accidents or statistics they have heard of... I'm beginning to think it's preventative therapy, "If I believe that it's all the fault of the motorcyclist, when I hit one without looking next week, I won't have to feel guilty!" Actually, the most efficient way to break all the bones is to get hit by a car, it's just telling that a fair number of motorcyclists do. (I'm sure there's a 'causation/correlation' argument to be made somewhere here...)

sorry for the cynicism, it gets to be a bit much sometimes...

btw, chances are pretty good that on a motorcycle (it you're crashing by yourself,) you'd only be able to break half to three-quarters the bones at once, as you generally land and slide on one side or the other. breaking both legs or arms in one single vehicle crash, (unless you're evel knievel,) is pretty unlikely. ;-)