tags: Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, humor, music, You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore, culture, streaming video
This truly odd streaming video was sent by a friend who learned that I will be going to London in August. I guess she thinks that I need to have a bit of a cultural adjustment prior to going there .. [4:09].
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tags: Just say Yes, humor, telemarketers, streaming video
Since I am a Seattle native, and since Seattle is the home of the grunge rock band, Nirvana, some of my readers are trying to use to get me in a London sort of spirit. In this case, a reader sent me this video of the Nirvana's hit song, "…
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This streaming video shows a little chat with Edward Current, who pleads, "My Grampa seriously needs to stay alive. Fortunately when there's something we have no control over, there are still things we can do!" I'll bet you can't guess what…
tags: Konzerthaus-Musiker spielen Brahms und Ravel, Vuvuzela-Konzert, Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, Berlin, Germany, Helge von Niswandt, vuvuzela, vuvuzela concert, humor, satire, funny, silly, fucking hilarious, your inner child, music video, streaming video
Those of you who think Germans can't…
tags: obama, racism, America, Why Obama Is So Scary, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, cultural observation, Edward Current, streaming video
Another one of my boyfriends, Edward Current, uploaded this video today, even though he filmed it in August 2009. It's another rip-…
Turned out nice again.