Open Thread

What's on your mind these days? I'd like to read what you are thinking about these days, so feel free to share!

Added 11pm ET: Some of my random thoughts:

  1. I need to open another Flickr account -- my fourth! -- to hold all my images so I can share them with you. This month, I filled up my two primary Flickr accounts, and opened a third, which I also filled up in just a few days. I guess this means I have an "image heavy blog."
  2. I inexplicably lost all of my images from the afternoon and evening of the 29th of August -- when I was in London visiting the Natural History Museum behind-the-scenes and then went on the pub crawl of science-themed pubs with my colleagues and friends. I have been so upset about this that I have been unable to continue writing more photoessays of my London Adventures to share with you. However, several colleagues are sharing images with me so I can use them in upcoming photoessays, so I think I am back on track with that once more.

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that figures. and he is being taken seriously as a candidate for prez .. and he STILL doesn't know what he thinks about things. it isn't as though he hasn't had YEARS to think about this or anything!

on the other hand, i think we can chalk up this change of mind to PALIN.

Jared Diamond's book "Collapse!" He outlined what happens when a society ignores environmental problems until it's too late. Wondering if this is what is happening in the financial markets at the moment, with environmental problems, high fuel prices, wars, etc. adding more energy into a chaotic system. Can't remember feeling this level of insecurity before (I'm 47.)

The Last Theorem - a book written by the late Author C Clarke. I was excited to get it, hadn't ready any reviews and figured it was a shoe-in for a good story, considering the legend writing it. Turned out to be a big disappointment. Oh well. On to find something new to read!

i also read "Collapse!" and thought it was a good book, a good warning for what could happen to the planet because people are so short-sighted and besides, there are just too many of us!

I wonder if there were a few people on Easter Island telling the rest of the island that they were cutting too many trees and couldn't sustain that level of environmental destruction?

Smith Point. You're killing me. All of Joe's pics are amazing - and SP has been utterly demolished by Ike. A tribute to the awesome birding ground that has been completely whooped by Mother Nature might be interesting. Alas, the residents did not fare well at all.
Smith Point Hawk Watch tower is to the right of the blue roof down at the bottom - tis a gray patch in a field of debris.

It's Joe's turf while helping SPHW, if still largely ignored by the media. The community was <130 people.

I guess it ate the last line... "The community was <130 people" /ramble