Bill Maher on Religion

Comedian Bill Maher takes on religion in his new film, "Religulous." He tells Harry Smith that religion can be laughed at, and for good reason. This is a film for everyone who is afraid that the Sarah Palins of the World will take over. This film is scheduled for release TODAY (3 October 2008) [4:03]

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Bill Maher discusses his film, Religulous, with Larry King. Part of this movie was filmed on location in Heaven. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [7:58]
I want to go see Religulous SO BADLY, and today, I heard an interview on "Fresh Air" on WNYC with Bill Maher [MediaPlayer: 2:51] where he discussed the making of this film. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [2:12]
From these negative reviews at Rotten Tomatoes, I knew 'Religulous' was gonna be good: "[Maher's] scattershot and ad hominem attacks against many different forms of religious hypocrisy don't add up to a coherent critique, and he's not qualified to provide one." "One of the rules of satire is that…
Do not delay. Do not equivocate. Do not think twice. Just get to the theater and buy your tickets, find a seat, turn off your cell phone, and sit back and enjoy Bill Maher's Religulous! In this film, Maher makes a handful of critically important points. Like, if our world is led by people who are…

Religion is a byproduct of fear and will be the downfall of humanity. Arthur Clarke once observed the sad fact that religion hijacked morality. Roman catholic priests, nuns and the rest of their ilk have serious maladjusted sexual illnesses and should be neutered to protect any children they might have contact with and to prevent them from reproducing. To steal a line from Bill Maher "I have hated the church far longer than most"

Religion is a byproduct of fear and will be the downfall of humanity. Arthur Clarke once observed the sad fact that religion hijacked morality. Roman catholic priests, nuns and the rest of their ilk have serious maladjusted sexual illnesses and should be neutered to protect any children they might have contact with and to prevent them from reproducing. To steal a line from Bill Maher "I have hated the church far longer than most"

I generally like Bill Maher, but he needs to stop throwing atheists under the bus. He's an atheist whether he cares to admit or not and calling atheists dogmatic is quite frankly ridiculous. Maybe Bill thinks people who claim that there is no such thing as unicorns are being dogmatic. After all, they can't know! Or maybe he thinks parents that tell their children that there are no monsters under their beds are being dogmatic. To claim that atheists are being dogmatic is buying into the idea the religion should be respected; that it's something you have to tiptoe around. Until the believers can present any credible evidence at all that their ideas have merit, claims of dogmatism are absurd and insulting.

By Rachmaninoff (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm staying in a small town in Oklahoma and it doesn't seem to be playing here. However, I'm pleased to find that my hotel is located between two liquor stores, a casino, and an adult video outlet, so I'm sure I'll find something to do.

Great for Maher - I think his final point should be more widely stated - a lot of people who call themselves Christian don't act according to Christ's advice. I've met quite a few who do, and I feel sorry for them for getting lumped in with the rest. What can they do (aside from turning the other cheek, obviously)?