tags: religion, prayer in schools, godlessness, atheism, streaming video
This video discusses using religion, particularly school prayer, as a mechanism for alienating children who are different. [6:34]
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tags: atheism, godlessness, religion, Religion in America, streaming video
This streaming video highlights what would happen if all atheists were to leave America. It tells you who would leave, what would change, and gives a look at other countries that have virtually no Atheists. [2:18]
tags: Brother Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist, Atheists at Prayer, prayer, atheism, agnosticism, humor, funny, comedy, fucking hilarious, satire, streaming video
This video features the colorful language and thoughts of my new boyfriend, Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist as he discusses prayer-time…
tags: religion, atheism, godlessness, Science is the Dumbest Religion, humor, funny, satire, edward current, streaming video
This video asks the important question: Have scientists really found the missing link? Or are Darwinianists just blindly worshipping roadkill again? [3:23]
tags: get religion, religion, godlessness, atheism, streaming video
Here's an ad for one of the world's favorite time and life-wasters: Religion. Presented here as a public service (notice the background music) [1:25]
That's gorgeous! On a recent trip to New Zealand I thought I saw wild roses and I dashed off to get a good look at them. They were indeed wild roses, small delicate flowers with a faint sweet scent. I think I was acting like I'd just made the biggest discovery ever - I wish I could have taken some cuttings; I would have had them growing and creeping all over the place in no time. :)
Oops - sorry about the mis-post - that was meant for the one about the wild rose. :} I have nothing nice at all to say about the godless godnaggers who want to use evil means to make outcasts of children who do not believe their delusions.
Thanks for this, I am embedding it into tuibguy.com.
Cool! Coming from a school that has prayer every morning, I wish we had prayers like this. Equal prayer time for every religion!
If we have to respect the prayers of others by bowing our heads regardless of what religion we are, the chaplain should have to respect the prayers of others by kneeling to Mecca. It's only fair.
I really want to campaign for this in my school. If anyone finds somewhere that does this, post it please.
Aargh! Sorry for the double post.
And now I'm only making it worse...
Such a blatantly obvious point (yet so often ignored), and an excellent illustration of what the word SECULAR really means.