Tomorrow is North American Nature Photography Day

Tomorrow is North American Nature Photography Day. The goals of this day are to view the world with your camera and maybe even advance the cause of conservation. NANPA is challenging its members to bring a camera with you as you go for a walk. If you are a member and you upload one of your nature photographs for publication in the July/August issue of Ripples, their bi-monthly newsletter, it will be published at no cost to you. Photos for submission MUST be taken on June 15, 2009, within walking distance of wherever you are on that day. Full details can be found on the Nature Photography Day Event Page.

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Many thanks for previous mention of June 15, Nature Photography Day. We're into our fifth year of observing the day designated to use a camera to explore the natural world. Add value to your world!

Check out the web page updated for Nature Photography Day 2010, on NANPA's website:

Shirley Nuhn
History Committee