Expedition to Antarctica: Others Think I'd do a Helluva Job Too

Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I was an undergraduate researching Fin Whales and Crabeater Seals at the University of Washington). To enter, we must write an essay explaining why we think we are the best choice, and solicit votes from the public. Whomever receives the most votes wins the job. But I am not the only one who thinks I will do a good job sharing this adventure with you. Here's a list of some of the people who are supporting my bid to become the official blogger on this Antarctic expedition;

PZ Myers, Pharyngula.

Bob O'Hara, deep thoughts and silliness.

John Lynch, a simple prop.

John Wilkins, Evolving Thoughts.


Razib, Gene Expression.


Digital Cuttlefish.

Sheril Kirshenbaum, The Intersection.


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Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…
Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…

Hi, thought you might like to know you are just 2 votes from being 1st :)

I'm checking the page many times a day to see how close you are to the lead. I would love to read your posts while on this trip!

Now you're tied for first with 255 votes! I think you'd do a great job too - I like reading your posts, even when you're not on an adventure in Antarctica!


Letâs hoist and let the flag unfrrl:
Go vote! Go vote! For ScienceGrrl!

The blogosphereâs most precious prrl:
Go vote! Go vote! For ScienceGrrl!

I really think it would be nice
To send her to the cold and iceâ
So take my Cuttlefish advice
And vote! (Chicago, you vote twice.)

So send her where the cold winds swrrl:
Go vote! Go vote! For ScienceGrrl!

Yes you! Come on, and give it a whrrl:
Go vote! Go vote! For ScienceGrrl!

(Much more of this, and I could hrrlâ
Iâll stop. You vote for ScienceGrrl!)


One more vote for you. Hope you get it. Can I have a penguin?

Added one more vote - 280 now!

As anyone, including me, who's worked down there for a few years will tell you, it's a fantastic place, based on what we know of you from being a semi regular reader. I don't know the job specifically but what the job is, but at least as important is who are you going to be dealing with. Hope you like 'em and have a good mind for self-amusement, though in many ways it is the most amusing colony of humans on the plant, and yes, I've been to Erie PA too.
And get ready for dissappointment too. Stuff just doesn't work the way it should ever and especially when you're down down there, though people may or may not be doing their best, no body knows when you're in the thick of it.
Maybe you'll get to cover the snow carving event! Cheers and good luck.

D'oh...shoulda read the contest first. I thought you might be going with the NSF as one of the arts and culture grantees that go down to report on what's up with the science and stuff down there...you'd be actually really great at that...though don't know if NSF is still doing it for "journalists" or nowadays, bloggers, but they should.
The cruise ship gig sounds pretty good too and I've done some naturalist work on cruise ships...excellent people and food if you like that sorta thing. Believe it or not, some don't. I'm voting you would.

It's a deal. You go do all the difficult parts, I'll just sit here and enjoy reading the blog and seeing the photos.

At least you have to register for votes on this one. Prevents teh botterz.
You're well in the lead now. (50ish votes ahead)
Hope you win!

By JThompson (not verified) on 26 Jun 2009 #permalink

Hey good luck! I suggest everyone post a link in their sigs if you are active on any forums to let folks know of Devorah and the contest. I got you covered on the perch with all of us bird lovers! Rooting for you!