




dangnabbit, is this thing broken AGAIN??

More like this

After the whole Floyd Landis thing, I wrote a long post about the science of detecting steroid abuse. The primary test uses something called the T/E ratio to determine whether the athlete has injected steroids. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has a maximum T/E ratio of 4. If an athlete gets…
One only has to turn on a TV, or browse through any news site, to read the story of disgraced Tour de France winner Flloyd Landis. Landis, an American, was reported to have an abnormally high testosterone to epitestosterone ratio in one of his urine samples given right before the end of of the race…
As some of you may have noticed, I have been keeping up with the science of Floyd Landis's failed drug test in a rather long post here. In the post, I mentioned that there is another test besides the Testosterone to Epitestosterone ratio (the test he already failed) that they can use to check…
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that it's been a while since I've written a substantive post on the fear mongering and bad science that are used by activists to support the claim that mercury in the thimerosal used as preservatives in vaccines is the cause of an "autism epidemic." The…


A GrrlScientist from New York
Who knew parrot from pigeon from stork,
When her peers were all resting
Was spending time testing
The blogosphere (sheesh, what a dork!)

hey, that's a very cute rhyme. it also tells me that my blog is capable of accepting comments, thanks!

I thought you were just trying on a new, and bizarre, battlecry for size.

Now that I think of it, a woman with a mad glint in her eye crying out testosterone whilst pointing could be very troubling indeed.

I almost didn't submit it--didn't like the last line at all.

Oh, I really liked it. I guess it takes all sorts.

Fargo - how do you know about Grrl's mad glint?

I've seen photos of the devastation. I'm amazed the NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation have put so much effort into the cover-up.

Every sharp lady I've ever known has possessed some variation of "the mad glint", so it just went to follow, ya' know?

Bob: Parks&Rec is all about that sort of thing. It's in their charter. No, the _real_ charter, written on unicorn skin (in this case unicorn being the English pronunciation of a now extinct people with very supple skin) and stored in Lincoln's nose at Mt. Rushmore.