The Sun Doesn't Go Down on a Helsinki Summer Day

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The Sun doesn't go down on a Helsinki Summer Day.

Photographed in Helsinki, Finland.

Image: GrrlScientist, 5 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

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I was passing through in 2007 , on my way to a wedding on 60degree parallel.

Only very approximately, Grrrl dear.
You have to be north of the arctic circle, something like 67 degree north. Helsinki is a little bit above the 60th parallel, 800 km (500 miles) too far south for real 24-hour sunlight. It is true, however, that the sun doesn't go too far below the horizon and it is possible to read the newspaper at midnight.

The clock tower might look strange in this picture. There is renovation going on, and the scaffolding has been draped with a photoreproduction of the tower.