Waterfront Park and Public Dock in Downtown Helsinki

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Public dock in downtown Helsinki, Finland.

Photographed as I walked through Helsinki, Finland, from Seurasaari.

Image: GrrlScientist, 4 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

Here is a lovely public dock located in downtown Helsinki (yes, that's a waterfall in the center). Standing there reminded me -- powerfully -- of the day when I sailed across Lake Washington from Seattle to Bellevue, tied up in a waterpark there that looks remarkably similar to this while I got a cup of coffee before sailing back to Seattle.

Below is the large plaza immediately adjacent to the public dock (shown above), which was located at my back as I took this photograph.

Public waterfront park in downtown Helsinki, Finland.

Photographed as I walked through Helsinki, Finland, from Seurasaari.

Image: GrrlScientist, 4 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

In the distance, you can see the flower boxes where I photographed those lily cultivars that I've been showing to you these past two days (here and here)

Flower boxin downtown Helsinki, Finland.

Photographed as I walked through Helsinki, Finland, from Seurasaari.

Image: GrrlScientist, 4 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)

A closer look at one of those flower boxes located in the public square in downtown Helsinki, Finland.

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I don't think we Finns consider Pikku-Huopalahti (which this very much looks like) to be "downtown Helsinki". After all, it is as much as 5-ish kilometers (three and a bit statute miles) from Stockmann department store.

Really, in years past the Helsinki better folk had their "country residences" in this area, and they moved out from the city for the summer to enjoy the wild countryside of this region. Doesn't sound like "downtown", and we still feel the echoes of this era.