FOX Brilliantly Demonstrates Fuzzy Math

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Take a close look at the pie chart shown on this FOX Newscast and tell me if you see anything wrong with it?

This man is yet another shining example of the conservative kneejerk response to the so-called "liberal bias" in today's media. Was this newscaster's brain switched to the "on" position when he read those numbers?

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Don't see anything wrong with that, their supporters are triple enthusiastic.


He may not have seen the graphic, and the survey might have used a question like "do you think this nutter would be a good Republican nomination".

actually, he might have been stumbling badly because his brain was sending signals saying "what the hell's that?". Or perhaps "why the f*** did I get a job at Fox?".

If there were three separate questions, one for each, then no a pie chart is not the appropriate tool to illustrate the issue.

For me? The Republican nominee? As a Democrat, I would say YES to any one of them. The country would be a little more forgiving of Obama's shortfalls when measured against them.

Even if the responses weren't mutually exclusive ("Which of these candidates would you support?"), I can't believe that anyone would use a pie chart like that one. It's laughable. And people wonder why major news outlets have been failing lately.

It's mindless nonsense like this (and a lot of other garbage as well) that made me cut the cable several years ago. What a liberating experience, everyone should try it.

Real fuzzy math is a precise way of dealing with imprecision. It shouldn't be confused with confusion.

Look at the first graphic. It asks about Palin's "Job Performance". Just what is her job now? Author, wingnut, christofascist, ignoramus, shrew, dimwit opinionator, ...

By natural cynic (not verified) on 30 Nov 2009 #permalink

This isn't Fox News ... It's a local affiliate of the Fox channel. There is a difference, you know. Saying this is Fox News is like saying Charlie Gibson hosts your local five o'clock news that comes on ABC. So cutting your cable wouldn't prevent from seeing this unbiased but flubbed report by the Fox affiliate in Chicago (if you live in Chicago of course).