fox news

I have a feeling that foxes are in trouble with the new EPA administration, but FOX is in great shape. According to an analysis by Media Matters, Scott Pruitt has spent considerably more time appearing on Fox News than other networks. In fact, he's spent twice as much time on Fox as he has on all the cable outlets combines. Here's the graph: Here's the analysis. Most of that time has been on, of course, "Fox and Friends" but he's actually spread himself fairly evenly across a range of shows. His time on non-Fox cable includes six appearances, including two on This Week, one on Meet the…
Not the same. Muslims must take the blame for all things done by anyone linked to an extreme Islamic group or ideology. Christians have nothing to do with anything, they were just standing there minding their own beeswax. The video below was fixed by Media Matters for America thusly: In a notably hypocritical segment on Fox & Friends, the hosts and their guest, David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, attacked media outlets that called on Christian leaders to denounce white supremacy and the recent violence in Charlottesville, VA. Fox & Friends highlighted articles that…
It is a fiction that the right wing, and the Republican party, and their primary philosophical guru (Rush Limbaugh) and mouthpiece (FOX News) are more American, more security-savvy, and more patriotic than Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats. This fiction is part of a common bully tactic you already know about because you were either bothered by the bullies, or you were a bully, in middle school. The bully takes his nefarious trait and projects it on his victim. And now, we see yet another piece of evidence for this, one among many. FOX News has attacked President Obama for his…
The story starts off predictably enough for a grandiose adventure: a wizard, a prophecy, an unwitting hero.  Emmet is just a model construction worker, living his city life to the tee by following every rule in the book.  He is manically happy just to be doing it right: greeting his alarm clock with a smile, doing some calisthenics, watching his favorite sitcom before heading out for an overpriced coffee and a fulfilling day on the job.  He feels like he has friends, that he's part of something.  Then a mysterious woman who's obviously not playing by the rules leads him to fall down an…
Holy moly: This is in reference to this. Clearly, someone is gonna get fired. But enjoy it for now. There is a full report on this amazing event (Fox News getting something mostly right, not the super storms) by Shuana Theel, here. VL Baker has more here.
I have two items for you. First is a video produced by Media Matters on Right Wing Science. I especially love Bill Nye's facial expressions as he is assailed with unbelievable stupidity: And now, also from Media Matters, this fun infographic. Share it around!
While this is not strictly relevant to climate (nor a new story), it is a very compelling and interesting illustration of why corporate media in general, and Fox in particular, can not be trusted with news stories where science intersects with an industry's profitability. As mentioned in the video, this is the incident which prompted Fox News to argue in court that they have no obligation to tell the truth, an argument they won.  Also, keep in mind the small percentage of people who would actually choose to lose their jobs and careers rather than just go along and how many buried and…
Media Matters takes Fox News to Task. Watch the reasonable person talk, then watch the Republican climate science denialist lie: Here is a graph from Media Matters that you should post on your Facebook page and elsewhere: From Media Matters: "The American Geophysical Union and several other scientific bodies including the National Academy of Sciences have acknowledged manmade climate change based on a strong and growing body of evidence.Despite all of this, Fox News has continually and falsely claimed the consensus on climate change does not exist -- yet another example of the network's…
Isn't it obvious? We gave women the right to vote. As Raw Story reports: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a tea party activist that's appeared several times on Fox News, and founder of an organization where Sean Hannity serves as an advisory board member, said in a sermon recently published to YouTube that America's greatest mistake was allowing women the right to vote, adding that back in "the good old days, men knew that women are crazy and they knew how to deal with them." I'm completely on Patterson's side, in fact, I'm sure he agrees with me that the real problems began when we extended the…
Below is an urgent call for support regarding an important issue for Canadians interested in a responsible Canadian media environment. The arrival of "Fox News North" comes with proposed rule changes that severely weaken public protections against false news. Please see below the appeal from and the accompanying information and if you are persuaded, sign the petition. Sources: CRTC plan to lift ban on false news prompts political investigation: CRTC…
tags: Obama Gets Applause at West Point, Fox Erases It?, Fox News, right-wing propaganda, news media, politics, President Obama, West Point Academy, graduation speech, streaming video President Obama addressed the graduates at West Point Academy on Saturday, saying, "Adversaries want to divide us, but we are united by our support for you -- soldiers who send a clear message that this country is both the land of the free and the home of the brave." His comments about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the threats of terrorism received applause from the graduates, but Fox News apparently didn…
Watch beetle guru Anthony Cognato trying to deal with Fox News ignoramus Tucker Carlson: It isn't news that Fox News isn't, um, news. Nor is it news that Fox can't grasp the benefits of public investment in knowledge creation- perhaps because actual knowledge is anathema to their business model. But I digress. I'm going to complain instead that Cognato missed out (or was edited out) on a major talking point to counter Fox's bluster.  Fox pretends Cognato just sidled up to suckle at the stimulus teat while the getting was good. A university welfare queen, or something.  But that's simply…
I realize I complain periodically about when I get into what seems to me to be a rut in which I'm writing pretty much only about anti-vaccine lunacy. This is just such a week, when the news on the vaccine front has been coming fast and furious, first with Andrew Wakefield's being found to have behaved unethically and dishonestly by the British General Medical Council, only to be followed up a few days later with the news that the editors of The Lancet had retracted his 1998 paper, the paper that started the MMR scare in the U.K. and launched a thousand autism quacks. Meanwhile, the cranks…
tags: Right Wing Calls For More Profiling Of Muslims, terrorism, politics, public policy, religion, crackpots, streaming video After you watch this video, you too, will fear for the future of America. It's simply amazing what passes for logic among the right-wing religious crackpots. In fact, the evidence suggests that religion -- any religion -- causes brain damage. Don't believe me? Watch this video! "Nobody still hasn't [sic] refuted the fact that 100% of Islamic terrorists are Muslim."
tags: FOX News, fuzzy math, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video Take a close look at the pie chart shown on this FOX Newscast and tell me if you see anything wrong with it? This man is yet another shining example of the conservative kneejerk response to the so-called "liberal bias" in today's media. Was this newscaster's brain switched to the "on" position when he read those numbers?
tags: Ralph Nader, politics, Fox News, Barack Obama, Uncle+Tom, streaming video Ralph Nader proves once again that he is nothing more than an immature, attention-seeking bully (something I was acutely aware of when I was in college since I knew people who worked in his political campaign), but now he knowingly portrays himself as a racist as well -- I am so glad that I never fell for his double-speak when he was playing spoiler to the 2000 election, and I wonder what my grad school colleagues think about their support for this racist pig? While it's true that Nader ONCE was a useful consumer…
Stick with what works I guess...
tags: fox news, subliminal suggestion, voting behavior, politics, streaming video This streaming video shows a rather clumsy attempt by FauxSnooz to subliminally influence American voters. [1:15]. So .. do you think this might work by influencing innocent minds to vote against a person's best interests?