Ninja GrrlScientist Strikes!

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Some of you might be aware that the roughhousing at ScienceBlogs has been noted and cartooned by the extremely talented Joseph Hewitt. Unfortunately, I was overlooked in the cartoon so I made a comment on his blog, Ataraxia Theatre, about sending my flock of attack parrots after him. My parrots caught up with him early this morning (the middle of the night, Joseph's time) and so you can see the result. He did not finish his cartoon of me in time to stave off their chomping beaks of death, so his blood was split before I managed to call them all off. His poor well-nibbled appendages are covered in bandages at this very moment, and he has been given several pints of blood to replace that dripped all over this cartoon that he made, offering to placate the flock and me.

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Beaks of Steel.

One of my rules is Don't Piss Off a Parrot. My lovebird hen Thelma doesn't have the nickname "Beak o' Death!" for nothing!

Geez that is just a rip from an old comic/cartoon called G-Force: Guardians of Space. About the only thing missing is the arrow on the chest.
That said the positive point is that the rip is from a super-heroine from a team where all the members have powers based on birds.

By Who Cares (not verified) on 13 Mar 2010 #permalink

I'd prefer to call it a "homage" than a "ripoff", but yeah...

That's the reason why GrrlScientist didn't show up in the original cartoon. I was going to use this mask/costume but realized it wasn't sufficiently wrestlerish.

@Joseph: Let me apologize. That was my first reaction. This morning (my time) I realized that it fit very well with the person behind this specific blog. I shouldn't have called it a rip but more like the 6th member of the team.

By Who Cares (not verified) on 14 Mar 2010 #permalink