Keväällä Suomenlinnassa

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Keväällä Suomenlinnassa.

Photographed on the island of Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland.

Image: GrrlScientist, 20 May 2010 [larger view]

Canon SX100 IS.

This is one of the last photographs I snapped in Helsinki -- I chose to spend my last day in Finland on the historical island fortress of Suomenlinna (which is one of my favorite places to go and to photograph). One of my goals is to return to Helsinki and to stay in a hotel on the island of Suomenlinna (preferably in winter) so I can capture the more difficult images that I have in my head. At this time, I am not sure how I will accomplish this (maybe I can be an invited speaker somewhere?), but I am open to your suggestions!

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While I was there in late april three years ago, it was fog and cold pulsating steeply with hot virgin blue. The fog (which was pretty thick, actually - you could walk right in the sea if you got distracted for a mere second) did give the islands that sinister touch required for a war fortress. Only sad part was all the graffiti.

(And the Finnish language. I've seen enough umlauts for a lifetime.)

The legendary tourist guide of Suomenlinna, Ior Bock used to tell wild stories about the fortress. Maybe it was his magic pipe which accelerated his thoughts? ;-)

BTW did you know there is an open prison on the island (not mentioned in Wikipedia)?