The Tourist Lane

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As a NYCer, I screamed with laughter when I saw this video, so of course, I HAD to share it with you. The comedy group, Improv Everywhere, pranked NYC when they created separate walking lanes for tourists and New Yorkers on a Fifth Avenue sidewalk. Department of Transportation "employees" were on hand to enforce the new rules and ask pedestrians for their feedback on the initiative.

Even though this NYCer lives in Germany now, I still walk fast -- whilst Germans stroll along as if they've got all the time in the world, and they stand in front of doorways and entrances to the train, blocking everyone's passage .. GAH!! Makes me want to scream. Unfortunately, my German is too bad to politely ask them to move already so some of us can get past them and go about our business.

Idea: Jeff Greenspan.

This is one of over 100 different "missions" that Improv Everywhere has executed since 2001 in New York City. Others include the Frozen Grand Central, the Food Court Musical, and the famous No Pants Subway Ride, to name a few. Visit their website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made.

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We NYers are a special breed. No one else understand our dismay at slow strolling people. I was secretly hoping that the tourist lane was real. Ha!

Originally from Montana, land of slow walkers with nowhere to be in a hurry, I have lived in London for a couple of years. I now go back to visit Montana and I cannot STAND how slow people walk!

Maybe I should move to NYC - at least then I'd be able to walk at a pace that doesn't make me feel like a damn traffic obstacle!

By Cullen Tillotson (not verified) on 10 Jun 2010 #permalink

Sorry, but I would be a tourist everywhere. I am all about slow food, slow living, slow walking. Now when I have toddlers then I am even slower! Other than terrorists or fires there is no reason to rush. It will be there when you get there with just a different number.

"No don't be afraid I don't have a gun today."

A spanish friend has just informed me that this has been done before - in Barcelona.

Still, it's hilarious.

"Unfortunately, my German is too bad to politely ask them to move already."

You would ask politely? Why? They're in the way of an AMERICAN! And a NYCer to boot! You'd think they'd know their place.

By Looseleaf (not verified) on 11 Jun 2010 #permalink