Politicization and "Fundamentalist Environmentalism"

We're catching up on the stories we missed while away from our computer. Here are a couple of standouts:

Tim Ball and Tom Harris of Canada's Natural Resources Stewardship Project are holding Canada's "Female Athlete of the Century" up as inadvertent spokesperson for the policy of let's-wait-and-see-what-happens on climate change. The article, titled declaratively "Climate change debate muddied," includes more straw men than a Wizard of Oz convention. We particularly liked the use of the term "fundamentalist environmentalism," an irksome term that, it turns out, they did not coin. Our Google search turned up 1,880 hits, starting dubiously with the American Enterprise Institute.

We don't know if AEI coined the term, but if anyone out there does, please let us know.

On the flipside, Andrew Dessler at Grist had a couple of nifty posts on the politicization of science and the overselling of climate science.

That's all we've got for 2006. Here's hoping 2007 brings you peace, happiness, and science with integrity.


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