Prof. Steve-Steve Drinks Me Under the Table

Many visitors to this blog will already know who Professor Steve-Steve is. For those who don't, go here.

In any event, it's kinda ancient history now...but last October, when I was in North Carolina giving a few talks, I actually had the opportunity to meet Steve-Steve and, well, share a few drinks with him. Only, I really wasn't up for the challenge. You can see for yourself how it turned out:


No Miller Lite wisecracks, if you folks can help it...

P.S.: Speaking of speaking events, the talk in Chicago last week at the reading series went very well. I also enjoyed meeting my fellow speakers, Deborah Blum and Jennifer Ouellette, and listening to their talks. For those interested, their respective books are Ghost Hunters and The Physics of the Buffyverse, and based on their presentations, I recommend both highly.

Meanwhile, it was also an honor to finally meet Jessa Crispin, the editor-in-chief of, with whom I actually shared the distinction of being one of Wired's 10 "sexy geeks" of 2005. As I told the crowd at the event, in person Jessa was even sexier--and geekier--than I'd imagined....


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Were you looking for WMD under there?

When I go out, I always do. Never can be too careful.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 25 Feb 2007 #permalink

Actually, there's no need to look under the table. The WMD are sitting in plain site on top.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 25 Feb 2007 #permalink

Looky the cute bear! Awwwww.

I promise I'll get you home when you come out to the Front Range, Chris. I can't promise a certain teddy bear named Julia won't appear, however...



Be careful Steve-Steve! You've got a Mooney attached to your ass!!

By doctorgoo (not verified) on 01 Mar 2007 #permalink