AAAS, Chicago


So: I am hitting the road again this Thursday for about a week. The first stop: the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in San Francisco, where I won't be working on anything in particular, but just taking in the talks and talking to the people. If you're going to be there, leave a comment or send me an email; maybe there will be a chance to say hi.

Coming back across the country after the AAAS meeting, I'll be stopping in the middle along the way. Turns out that on February 21, I'll be participating in the reading series in Chicago, along with two distinguished science writers, Deborah Blum and Jennifer Ouellette. Here are the deets:


Hopleaf Bar

5148 North Clark Street, Second Floor

So if this is your area, come on and check it out. Since the Bears lost the Super Bowl, I guess the town will be a tad gloomy, but hopefully folks will be looking up by the time I get there. In any event, it's certain to be damn freezing.

By the way, don't be put off by the word "reading"--I don't read, I speak. Readings are boring.


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I'll be there (then again we've already met), as will EvilMonkey, Tara and Janet from around here.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Feb 2007 #permalink

Woops! "There" being AAAS.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Feb 2007 #permalink

Chris, Sean and I will both be at AAAS in San Francisco, and I'll be following you to Chicago for the Bookslut reading, as you so kindly pointed out. Also, I'm relieved we're not required to do an actual "reading" per se, because I don't enjoy either reading aloud, or being read to (not even books on tape). :)

wow...sounds like there will be a need for a science bloggy kind of meet-up, eh? Jennifer, look forward to seeing you in both cities.....nice travel planning